Spring has sprung….and so have your allergies!

Spring has sprung….and so have your allergies!

Did you know

Spring has arrived in all of her pollen-filled glory, and while many of us are enjoying the warm breezes and sun-drenched days outside, some of us are walking around in a cloud of pollen-fueled misery. 

Whether your symptoms include a sneezy, runny nose, itchy, watery eyes, a scratchy throat, sinus pressure, or headache (or maybe a miserable combination of all of the above), spring allergies are no fun.

It’s tempting to reach for over-the-counter medications, but these can come with unpleasant and even dangerous side effects-drowsiness, dizziness, dry mouth and sinuses, headache, anxiety, heart arrhythmias, and hypertension-and do nothing to treat the underlying cause. These types of medications are also not recommended for children, pregnant or breastfeeding women, and for those with diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and thyroid disorders.

This spring, consider a new approach to nip allergies in the bud. Natural Relief… Without the Side Effects Allergies are an inflammatory immune response to a foreign invader, in this case, pollen. When pollen makes its way up your nose, antibodies spring into action, stimulating specialized cells called mast cells to release histamine and an array of other inflammatory molecules, leading to those annoying symptoms.

These acute symptoms are the most obvious, but the reaction that caused them initiates a more complex allergic inflammatory response that can trigger a recurrence of symptoms many hours later, and can lead to system-wide inflammation. This inflammation is also associated with an increased sensitivity to the allergen after repeated exposure and “hyper-responsiveness” to other irritants. The take-away? Work toward reducing the inflammation associated with allergies.  

Quercetin is a flavonoid found in certain fruits and vegetables like apples and onions that has been shown to inhibit the release of histamine and reduce the production of inflammatory molecules. Combine it with vitamin C, which also helps prevent histamine release and increases its detoxification. Try: 250-600 mg of quercetin, three times daily and 2,000 mg daily of vitamin C daily.

Bromelain is an enzyme derived from the stem of the pineapple plant that has been found to reduce the inflammation and swelling associated with allergies. It works by stimulating the production of anti-inflammatory prostaglandins while simultaneously inhibiting the production of pro-inflammatory prostaglandins. Try: 400-500 mg, three times daily.

Probiotics are known to play an integral part in the immune system, so it should come as no surprise that a number of strains have been found to alleviate allergic symptoms. A review of published studies found that probiotics can modify the immune response to allergens in part by reducing the number of inflammatory molecules associated with allergic rhinitis, helping to ease symptoms. 

There are many natural remedies to help with symptoms and allergy related infections.  Come in, ask us how Eterna can help you with your allergy related issues, and….”Let US Be Your Doorway to Health”.