

Did you know Policosanol can improve cardiovascular health? 

Policosanol is extracted from sugar cane, but it’s not a sugar it’s an alcohol. Cholesterol is also a solid alcohol, but a very different kind. Policosanol is a natural supplement studied to reduce your total cholesterol mainly by reducing your LDL-cholesterol (“bad cholesterol”), and increasing HDL-cholesterol (“good cholesterol”). It also helps to reduce triglycerides. The evidence for policosanol’s effectiveness in reducing cholesterol levels is impressive. In an article (“Policosanol Improves Every Measure of Blood Cholesterol”) and in the article (“Policosanol Keeps Your Arteries Healthy”), the evidence of Policosanol was reviewed. Policosanol is no ordinary nutritional supplement. Its broad spectrum of beneficial effects on our cardiovascular systems making it a standout by any standard.