Dong quai has helped women with hormone issues.

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Dong quai (Angelica sinensis) is an herb native to China, Japan, and Korea. A member
of the celery family, it’s long been used in the treatment of female problems such as hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms, premenstrual syndrome, and vaginal dryness by assisting the body in it’s use of hormones and strengthening the reproductive system.


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Echinacea fights inflammation, bacterial and viral infections.

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Echinacea is a flowering plant that grows in the U.S. and Canada, and it’s been used as medicine for centuries. There are nine species. Some of its common names are the purple coneflower or black-eyed Susan. The leaves, stems, flower, and roots are used to make supplements, liquid extracts, and teas. It’s great for the immune and lymphatic system by stimulating certain white blood cells.


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Tumeric’s anti-inflammatory properties are good for all arthritic conditions

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Curcumin, the yellow pigment in turmeric, is the active ingredient that fights free radicals and protects the liver against toxins. It also inhibits platelet aggregation ( clumping of platelets), aids in circulation, improves blood vessel to heal and helps in improving cholesterol levels. Tumeric’s anti-inflammatory properties are good for all arthritic conditions. More reported health benefits of turmeric include relief from joint pain, which results in reduced joint swelling and greater range of motion.


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Ashwaganda has been shown to rejuvenate and energize the nervous system.

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Clinical trials have shown that Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera, Solanaceae) root extract reduces stress as measured by psychological instruments and physiological markers such as cortisol. Helping to prevent stress- related disorders and stress- related depletion of vitamin C and cortisol. These benefits help to modulate and stimulate the immune system. It increases physical endurance and can improve sexual function.


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Herbs as our Foods and our Supplements


Herbs in a culinary sense typically refer to the leafy parts of plants, but in the context of herbalism, “herbs” encompass leaves, berries, roots, outer and inner barks, rhizomes, twigs, flowers, seeds, mushrooms, and fruits.  Herbs support a wide scope of wellness for humans, and can reestablish balance through the action of their many chemical constituents, vitamins, minerals, and energetic qualities. Herbalism is a practice found in every culture worldwide that uses plants to help people as an effective part of a holistic approach to mind-body-spirit care.


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