Spirulina is a great source of protein & other vitamins

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Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae and its common name…Pond scum.
This nutrient rich substance has lots of health promoting properties. It is rich in chlorophyll, and like plants, gets its energy from the sun. The concentration of protein and vitamins in Spirulina has led many to classify it as the “most nutrient dense food on the planet.” Spirulina is a protein beast. In 100 grams of spirulina, there’s a whopping 57.5 grams of protein.

Much like moringa, spirulina is a complete plant protein, which means it contains all nine essential amino acids the body needs. 

Spirulina is not only a great source of protein, but also Vitamin B1, Iron, Calcium, and the essential fatty acid GLA (Gamma linolenic acid). Because of these great vitamins and minerals it is excellent for energy, eye health, brain function, improving nerve function, balancing blood sugar, and helps with allergies. Because it is extremely high in chlorophyll, it helps remove toxins from the blood, boost the immune system, and removes heavy metals. MORE good news……Spirulina is known to increase fat burning during exercise. Its high antioxidant content makes it beneficial in reducing exercise induced oxidation which leads to muscle fatigue and inability to gain muscle.  

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