“Prostate Control” can help with enlarged prostate

Did you know?

 Urine pooling in the bladder can lead to a UTI-Urinary Tract Infection?
As men age, they can deal with an enlarged prostate – also called BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia). There are many symptoms that go along with BPH. Including incomplete bladder emptying, which can cause urine to pool in the bladder and lead to a UTI.
Prostate Control is a supplement that relieves the symptoms of BPH. These symptoms are:
Weak urinary stream and urine dribbling, hesitancy-difficulty in starting to urinate, incomplete bladder emptying, abdominal straining, frequent urinate-especially at night, wetting accidents, pain or burning with urination and blood in urine or semen, and painful ejaculation.

Prostate Control relieves these symptoms and prevent the conversion in the prostate from testosterone to DHT and Estrogen, and helps breakdown and reduce the DHT and estrogen levels already in the prostate. This helps the body maintain a healthy level of both DHT and estrogen. Due to the phenomenal blend of herbs and extracts in Prostate control, men have results of a healthier prostate and bladder, and allows a reduction in frequency and urgency and thus results in a better night’s sleep. It may also lower the risk of getting prostate cancer, or of spreading already occurring prostate cancer from spreading to other areas of the body.
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