Collagen is a Protein Found in Bone Broth

Collagen is a Protein Found in Bone Broth

Did you know?

Making bone broth is a relatively easy process using the bones of cows and chicken as well as organic vegetables and spices. Eterna now sells organic beef bones to aid anyone who is interested in making some for yourself.

Collagen is a protein found in bone broth, but it can also be isolated via a process called hydrolyzation which creates a more concentrated collagen powder supplement such as Ancient nutrition powdered bone broth.

This can be hugely beneficial because you get much bigger doses of collagen, and collagen-specific amino acids like glycine, glutamine, proline, hydroxyproline and arginine. These amino acid “all-stars” are terrific for keeping joints healthy, your digestive system running on all cylinders and toning down your nervous system to support recovery.