Lack of Digestive Enzymes

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Did you know the growing incidence of illnesses that, is linked to nutrient malabsorption, is due to a lack of digestive enzymes. These enzymes help break down large macromolecules found in the foods we eat into smaller molecules that our guts are capable of absorbing, thus supporting gut health and making sure the nutrients are delivered to the body.  Digestive enzymes are split into three classesproteolytic enzymes that are needed to digest protein, lipases needed to digest fat and amylases needed to digest carbohydrates.  (more…)

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The Benefits of Himalayan Salt Sole

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The benefits of Himalayan salt sole
Himalayan Salt can be one of the best ways to keep yourself hydrated. Himalayan Salt is rich in minerals that make up what we need for our own electrolytes. Some of the benefits of drinking Himalayan Salt Sole are as follows. (more…)

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Safe Bug Repellent

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Bug Repellant
If bug repellent sprays can kill mosquitoes and melt plastic, it is probably not a good idea to use on your skin. These repellents, the toxic chemicals that are inside them get directly absorbed into our blood through the skin and may be doing more damage to the body than we ever imagined. Bug sprays that prevent pests such as mosquitoes through harsh chemicals are indeed pesticides. In the same way you wouldn’t put weed killer on your arm you might think twice about putting certain pesticides on your skin. (more…)

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Did You Know That Coconut Oil Can Be Used As A Sunscreen?

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Coconut Oil

Did you know that Coconut oil can be used as a sunscreen? Amazingly enough it can because I  has a natural Spf. of 4-5. When combined with other simple ingredients it becomes an effective, natural way to protect our skin for the suns harmful UVA & UVB rays. Here is a simple recipe to make your own natural and non- toxic sunscreen. (more…)

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Glutathione Offers Many Benefits

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Glutathione (GSH) is a very special anti-oxidant compound that provides the greatest anti-oxidant protection within the body.  Every cell in the body produces glutathione.  Glutathione has been labeled the “master anti-oxidant” due to its essential role in maintaining all other essential anti-oxidants such as vitamin C and vitamin E in their active forms. (more…)

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A Well-Functioning Colon is so Important for Overall Well-Being

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The colon is home to billions of microflora (bacteria) that actually make up approximately 70 percent of the dry weight of feces. Besides forming stool, the various beneficial bacterial organisms living within the colon and digestive tract are important for proper nutrient absorption, maintaining pH balance, controlling hunger and counteracting potentially dangerous bacteria, viruses, and fungi. This is why a well-functioning colon is so important for overall well-being. The colon is the longest part of the large intestine, which is attached to the small intestine at one end and the anus at the other. The role of the colon is to eliminate stool from the body that’s made up of a combination of bacteria, water, unused nutrients, unneeded electrolytes and digested food. (more…)

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Saunas are a Vital Piece of Effective Detox Plans

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Saunas are a vital piece of effective detox plans—saunas stimulate sweat glands, eliminating toxins from the body while simultaneously increasing circulation. When you combine ozone with steam from the sauna, the effects of both treatments are multiplied. The sauna’s heat causes your pores to open, allowing your body to more readily absorb ozone into fatty and lymphatic tissue—two areas that are difficult and essential to cleanse. (more…)

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A Healthy Diet is the Most Important Way to Detoxify

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A healthy diet is the most important way to detoxify. First, remove foods that interfere with detoxification or make you more toxic. Among them include sugar, and fructose, which is found in foods, soda (includes High Fructose Corn syrup), junk food, but also in fruit juices and commercial juice cleanses. (more…)

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